15 Most Asked HR(Human Resource) Questions for Engineering students

As you prepare for your interview, you may be considering which questions the employer is going to ask you. While there’s no way to know for sure what topics will be covered, there are several popular interview questions you can expect to be asked. Every interviewer is different and each one’s questions may vary. By preparing answers for these common interview questions, you can develop compelling talking points to make a great impression during your next job interview Here’s how to answer the 15 most common interview questions: 1. Tell me about yourself. Your interviewers will likely start out with a question about you and your background to get to know you. Start by giving them an overview about your current position or activities then provide the most important and relevant highlights from your background that make you the most qualified for the role. If you’d like, it is generally acceptable to include some light personal details about things like your pets, hobb...