PULSE SYSTEM  OF LUBRICATION 
In the shipping industry, two giants –MAN AND Wartsila  have introduced a remarkable technology for modern electronically controlled marine engines. Known as Alpha and Pulse lubrication systems, this new technology is one-of-its-kind.
What is Pulse Lubrication System?
A pulse lubrication system is an electronically controlled cylinder oil lubrication system for Wartsila engines, wherein metered quantity of cylinder oil is injected in to the liner, depending on the engine load. This ensures that accurate amount of cylinder oil is delivered inside the liner at the correct set-time for that particular engine load

  • Construction and Working of Pulse Lubrication System
  • There are normally eight quills attached to the cylinder liner in a single row, which gets the oil supply from the electronically controlled dosage pump
  • The oil is supplied to the dosage pump from daily tank via fine filter of 40 microns
  • The quills consist of a duct passage to store metered quantity of oil. The area of this duct passage and the quantity of oil can be altered by changing the position of the central piston
  • There are crank angle sensors attached to the engine which give signals to the control unit in order to  inject oil at the correct position of piston movement
  • 200 bar high pressure servo oil reduced to 50 bars are supplied to the lubricator unit, which pressurises the centre piston in the quills. This injects oil inside the liner at adequate pressure for even distribution
  • WECS (Wartsila Engine Control System) which is the master controller of the Pulse lubrication system controls the solenoid valve opening and the oil injection

Each unit is provided with 8 lubricating quills, 2 piping systems of Cylinder oil and servo oil, and A 4/2 solenoid valve to servo oil flow.
After receiving signal from the crank angle sensor, at the correct position i.e. between the pack of piston rings, WECS allows the solenoid valve to open and pass the servo oil. This in turn presses the central piston and delivers the oil stored in the duct passage of the quills.
As soon as the injection is over, there is a small orifice which fills the duct passage again with the cylinder oil as the central piston moves backward. This ensures that the oil is always present in the chamber in metered quantity as decided by the WECS after calculating load and sulphur content of the fuel.
Benefits of Pulse Lubrication System

  • Well précised delivery of metered cylinder oil giving better lubrication to piston ring and liner   
  • BETTER   distribution of oil within the liner
  • Less fouling of combustion space
  • Less fouling of scavenge space   . 
  • Reference and Image Credit: wartsil



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